Wednesday, July 29, 2009

first impressions are everything

and clichés are just the horses' foreskin.

hi, my name is daniel. no caps.

i'm glad you have taken an interest in me, because if you're reading this, it means you're not tangled in the web, nay, you have come here with a burning desire to get to the beginning, to unearth

- who planted this seed?

and if you have gotten back this far, it means somewhere you got caught on a branch and started tugging the reaching tendrils, away from the sun, out of the light, down, dark, into the dirt, to the roots, where hermaphrodite worms digest the soil that creates everything else.

but don't ask why, it's just happening, growing up and out, down and in at the same time, dying cyclically, on cue, while spreading like a cancer.

i eat meat, but the cows i eat, they were force fed corn, and corn is a cousin of the grass in your front yard, and that has chlorophyll in it, goddamnit.

i am going to write about whatever i am angry about, copy directly from wikipedia, embelish myself, lie about others, speak my mind through the anonimity of teh tubez, exaccerbate, link to porn sites to get my hits up, discuss my abuse of and by the internets as a member of a generation which knows no world withought the internets, damnit, tyrone, why you gotta be hitten me like that?

and my dad doesn't get why i don't use the phone book or
"mr. webster"

major themes will include:

humanity as a whole
flora & fauna
urban greenery
climbing vines
the unwashed masses
countryside manors and estates
a nifty place i work at called terrain
pennsylvania, or penn's woods
fun little things to click on
mad libs
& other finer things

i am so godamn excited to be finally doing this blog, i'm going to do a post right after i post this one.

expect posting to be sporadic and socratic.

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