Monday, August 10, 2009


Originally uploaded by danyellmc
i stopped paying my cable bill.

there is an inverse relationship between the having of cable and the renting rate of documentaries at the school library.

its ok though, they make you think. especially because boredom forces you to watch the directors commentary, the deleted scenes, and even the (yeeeeeech) filmmaker's bio.

i will talk about the amish in a later post..

this one is about corn,

not KoRn, silly.


mexico's cash crop.
the lumpy, reddish-brown one we genetically cleansed until it was smooth like buttah.

so the film i watched was titled King Corn.

it features one obnoxious boston-ite prick and his slightly deformed buddy.

they want to see if that have the cohones to grow 1 (one) acre of corn, so they venture to Iowa, where, coincidentally, their grandfatheres were buried in the same boneyard.

corn is so overabundant we figured out a way to sweeten everything with it, and now we burn it to make cars go.

during the new deal, the government paid farmers to limit their production, in an attempt to shed some light on the invisible hand.

Earl Butz,

secretary of agriculture under Nixon, turned that around. he encouraged competition, and can be attributed to the rise of large commercial farms, an overabundance of corn, and the ways we make use of the extra kernels.

corn is related to grass, like the grass in our front yard.
look at the leaves sometime, its like the big oafy cousin.

ready for the diagram?

so now the question is
how much do we need... and who is we?

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